How To Play Goldypot
Goldypot not only limit their winners by luck but also consider's the participant's efforts at the same time. Here is the procedure to participate and enjoy!!
Wallet Connection
Participants should log-in with their wallet address to start the excitement!
2. Link Game Account
After the wallet connection, player must verify their e-mail which shares the same e-mail address with the GoldeFy app. This is one time procedure that will link your game account with your wallet address.
3. Purchase Active Goldypot / Goldypass
By purchasing the Goldypot (Active/ Open) or just simply purchase the Goldypass that will automatically let you participate in our Goldypot.
4. Know Your Goldypot Number
After purchasing the Goldypass successfully, players will be receiving a random Goldypot number by a slot animation. The Goldypot number can be checked anytime in account-inventory on the section of "My Goldypot".
5. Get Incentive Link (Affiliate)
The incentive link (affiliate), players can share or refer to friends or other people to get 15% incentive on the sales through the link provided. 15% of Goldypot related sales will be rewarded to the link owner for all rounds. (e.g 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e are considered as all rounds)
6. Start Playing Until The Round Is Over
Enjoy playing the GoldeFy games in our app and list your name on the leaderboard to compete with other players. By playing the games, players will have a fair chance to be the luckynumber provider.
7. Check The Winner After The Count Down
At the end of the countdown, a lucky number provider is selected by drawing 3 random ranks fairly and transparently through Chainlink's VRF system. Check if you have been selected as the lucky number provider or if you are the winner with a lucky number combination.
Last updated